White Daylily

Small daily oil Painting by Krista Hasson

Size: approx 6 x 6″

Media:  oil

Support:  board

Framed: YES

Fog Forest Gallery
14 Bridge Street
Sackville, NB
E4L 3N5

Phone: (506)536-9000


Please contact Janet Crawford to purchase any of the work on this page. you can email her at gallery@nbnet.nb.ca or call her at the number above.

White Daylily – small daily oil painting

Buy original Art – White Daylily – small daily oil painting by Krista Hasson. If you are just starting to collect art, these small daily paintings are a perfect start.  They are also a great addition to an existing collection.

This is a quality piece of fine art created with professional grade materials only. Thus  you will be able to enjoy  this White Daylily – small daily oil painting for years to come.


Available for sale through the Fog Forest Gallery. Please use the contact information below.

Fog Forest Gallery
14 Bridge Street
Sackville, NB
E4L 3N5

Phone: (506)536-9000


Why you should collect Small Artwork

  • Small size   – Big impact
  • Small price  – Big value

Copyright and all reproduction rights remain with artist   ©2016 Krista Hasson

* Please note: Computer monitors do not display color the same. Paintings may differ in color from the image you see on the screen.


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